Re: static object in a function: what if the constructor throws?

Andy Champ <>
Fri, 16 May 2008 17:48:22 CST
Krzysztof Czainski wrote:

class Singleton
   Singleton(); // may throw
   static Singleton& getInstance()
     static Singleton instance;
     return instance;

int main()
   try {
     Singleton& s = Singleton::getInstance();
   catch(...) { /* ... */ }

Is it legal for the static variable constructor to throw? Would it
throw during the first call to getInstance, or earlier, or is it
unspecified when? Maybe someone has some other comments on this
implementation of the Singleton pattern?

A static variable within a function will be initialised the first time
the function is called (unlike a static global, or static class member
which is initialised before main() is called). That means the exception
will be thrown on the first call to getinstance.


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