Re: Singletons and destructors

"Chris Thomasson" <>
Tue, 29 Jul 2008 23:36:15 CST
"Chris Thomasson" <> wrote in message

"Greg Herlihy" <> wrote in message

On Jul 24, 3:10 pm, wrote:

On Jul 24, 12:58 pm, Greg Herlihy <> wrote:

Why call "new" to allocate the singleton in the first place? Wouldn't
the more obvious solution be to avoid "new" and "delete" by having the
singleton be statically - instead of dynamically - allocated? In fact,
the "classic" singleton pattern takes such an approach:

I'd suggest seeing the FAQ, and the static deinitialization order
fiasco. As others have said in this thread, it's not a simple problem
with a simple solution, especially in multithreaded environments.

Anyone who follows your suggestion and reads the C++ FAQ - will learn
that there is no such thing as the "static deinitialization order
fiasco" in C++ (at least as far as the FAQ is concerned). After all,
the destruction of static objects is well-defined (static objects are
destroyed in the reverse order of their construction.)


Joshua mentioned multi-threaded environment; the singleton code you posted
is NOT thread-safe. You have several issues to deal with, and AFAICT you
addressed absolutely none of them...


Here is an atomically thread-safe singleton implementation using pthreads,
x86, MSVC and
the double-checked locking pattern:

template<typename T>
struct singleton {
 static T* instance() {
   static T* volatile this_ptr = NULL;
   T* ptr = (T*)atomic::ldptr_acq((void* volatile*)&this_ptr);
   if (! ptr) {
     static pthread_mutex_t this_mtx = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
     mutex_guard lock(&this_mtx);
     if (! (ptr = this_ptr)) {
       static T this_instance;

       ptr = this_ptr = (T*)atomic::stptr_rel(
         (void* volatile*)&this_ptr, &this_instance


Ummm... There is a "harmless" condition here... Notice how I atomically
store into `this_ptr' and then make an assignment to it! The line above
should read as:

        ptr = (T*)atomic::stptr_rel(
          (void* volatile*)&this_ptr, &this_instance

   return ptr;


Here is the code in full with that error fixed:
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <pthread.h>

class mutex_guard {
  pthread_mutex_t* const m_mtx;

  mutex_guard(pthread_mutex_t* const mtx)
    : m_mtx(mtx) {

  ~mutex_guard() throw() {

namespace atomic {
  static void*
  ldptr_acq(void* volatile*) {
    _asm {
      MOV EAX, [ESP + 4]
      MOV EAX, [EAX]

  static void*
  stptr_rel(void* volatile*, void* const) {
    _asm {
      MOV ECX, [ESP + 4]
      MOV EAX, [ESP + 8]
      MOV [ECX], EAX

template<typename T>
struct singleton {
  static T* instance() {
    static T* volatile this_ptr = NULL;
    T* ptr = (T*)atomic::ldptr_acq((void* volatile*)&this_ptr);
    if (! ptr) {
      static pthread_mutex_t this_mtx = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
      mutex_guard lock(&this_mtx);
      if (! (ptr = this_ptr)) {
        static T this_instance;
        ptr = (T*)atomic::stptr_rel(
          (void* volatile*)&this_ptr, &this_instance
    return ptr;

struct foo {
  foo() {
    std::cout << "(" << this << ")->foo::foo()" << std::endl;

  ~foo() throw() {
    std::cout << "(" << this << ")->foo::~foo()" << std::endl;

int main() {
  foo* ptr1 = singleton<foo>::instance();
  foo* ptr2 = singleton<foo>::instance();
  foo* ptr3 = singleton<foo>::instance();
  assert(ptr1 == ptr2 && ptr2 == ptr3);
  return 0;


Sorry about that!


This should work fine. Any thoughts?

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