Re: Class templates and singleton container

Francesco <>
Mon, 3 Nov 2008 02:53:59 -0800 (PST)
Bit Byter ha scritto:

I want to write a (singleton) container for instances of my class
templates, however, I am not too sure on how to:

1). Store the instances
2). How to write the acccesor method (instance()) to retrieve an
instance of particular template
3). What type to return an instance as ..

Assuming I have the following code:

class template

template <class T1, class T2>
class MyTree
    T1 foo(const T2& a1);
    T2 foobar(const T1& a1, const T2& a2);

// Notes
// Instance prototype not completed (see question 2 and 3)
// Ideally, when an instance of a particular class is requested, if it
dosen't yet exist, then an
// instance is created and stored in the 'repository'
class Container


int main(int argc, char* argv[])
     Container c;

     MyTree<double, int> * t1 = c.instance(/*some args here*/);
     MyTree<string, double> *t2 = c.instance(/*some args here*/);


Last but not the least, I want to be able to treat objects returned by
the instance() method, in a generic way (i.e. in this example, I want
to be able to treat them generically, as trees). Should I use
inheritance (i.e. the class template inherits from a base Tree class)
like this:

template <class T1, class T2>
class MyTree : public Tree
    T1 foo(const T2& a1);
    T2 foobar(const T1& a1, const T2& a2);

or is there a better way?

I don't know exactly what you want to do, so there might be better
But they way you've put it, I guess using something like boost::any
should do what
you want. Check the code below.
Hope it helps a little.

#include <vector>

#include <boost/any.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>

#include <iostream>

using namespace boost;


class CObjBase

virtual ~CObjBase() {}

    virtual any DoSome( any const & ) = 0;

    virtual any DoOther( any const & inArg1,
            any const & inArg2 ) = 0;

    virtual bool IsOfType( std::type_info const *,
            std::type_info const * ) = 0;

template< typename T1, typename T2 >
class CObjConcrete : public CObjBase

    any DoSome( any const & inArg1 )
        T2 obj = any_cast< T2 >( inArg1 ); // use object
        std::cout << "-------\n";
        std::cout << "Arg1: " << obj << std::endl;
        return T1(); // return whatever;

    any DoOther( any const & inArg1, any const & inArg2 )
        T1 obj1 = any_cast< T1 >( inArg1 );
        T2 obj2 = any_cast< T2 >( inArg2 );
        std::cout << "-------\n";
        std::cout << "Arg1 : " << obj1 << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Arg2 : " << obj2 << std::endl;
        return obj2;

    bool IsOfType( std::type_info const * inT1Ptr,
            std::type_info const * inT2Ptr )
        if( *inT1Ptr == typeid( T1 ) and *inT2Ptr == typeid( T2 ) )
            return true;
            return false;


class CFactory
    static CFactory & GetInstance()
    { static CFactory sObj; return sObj; }

    template< typename T1, typename T2 >
    shared_ptr< CObjBase > Get();


    typedef std::vector< shared_ptr< CObjBase > > CRegister;

    CRegister mRegister;

    CFactory() {}
    CFactory( CFactory const & );
    ~CFactory() {}
    CFactory & operator=( CFactory const & );

CFactory & Factory() { return CFactory::GetInstance(); }


template< typename T1, typename T2 >
shared_ptr< CObjBase > CFactory::Get()

    CRegister::iterator iter = std::find_if(
        bind( &CObjBase::IsOfType, _1, &typeid( T1 ), &typeid( T2 ) )

    if( iter == mRegister.end() )
        std::cout << "CREATING\n";
        shared_ptr< CObjBase > ptr( new CObjConcrete< T1, T2 > );
        mRegister.push_back( ptr );
        return ptr;
        std::cout << "REUSING\n";
        return *iter;


int main()
    Factory().Get< int, double >()->DoSome( 13.56 );
    Factory().Get< std::string, int >()->DoOther(
        std::string( "ola" ),
    Factory().Get< int, double >()->DoSome( 67.67 );
    Factory().Get< std::string, int >()->DoOther(
        std::string( "TEST" ),

//end code

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