Re: Can I have a static Class / COM object in my ATL control?

"Alexander Nickolov" <>
Fri, 12 Jan 2007 16:34:16 -0800
I can only concur with Brian here...

However, if this COM object is a frontend for something
persistent (like an application), this may be defined as a
preference and persisted via non-COM means (for example
in the registry) by that application.

Alexander Nickolov
Microsoft MVP [VC], MCSD

"Brian Muth" <> wrote in message

"nospam" <> wrote in message

Alexander Nickolov wrote:

Use a global class instance of a regular C++ class.
Not sure why would you want a "static" COM object
(nor what you mean by that). Perhaps a singleton COM
object is what you are looking for? Note these can only
be hosted by executables, so not an option for a control
(controls are hosted in DLLs).

Thanks Alexander.

This is for a DLL.

Here is what I want to do.

I have a com object called Waypoint.

This COM object has a property called Identifier. Identifier is a BSTR.
Normally BSTR will be converted to uppercase on set_Identifier. I want
to give my end user programmer the option of set_Identifier to not
perform this conversion. I really don't want the end user programmer to
have to set a "DontConvert" property each time they use a different
instance of the Waypoint object or do I want to have them supply it as a
parameter for the property (is is common practice anyway?). So what I
really need is a global variable. Any ideas on how I can do this?

The behaviour of a COM object (such as how a property is handled) should
be defined as a property or a method of an interface. I don't see what the
advantage of a global variable is other than to break this convention.
Perhaps you can provide us with an argument.


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