Re: Boost compile error when a object of type pool is contained in another class

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Wed, 13 Jun 2007 16:54:35 -0400
mackenzie wrote:

I am looking for a little bit of help. I am trying to create a
dynamically allocated object which contains one or more objects of
type boost::pool<>. I get a compiler error when an object of this type
is contained in my class and am not sure why. To be honest I have a
little but not a lot of experience with templates and it could simply
be obvious to a more experienced template user; however, the answer
escapes me.

Here is a sample code snippet:

#include <boost/pool/pool.hpp>
#include <boost/pool/singleton_pool.hpp>

struct Foobar
 boost::pool<> p(sizeof(int)); // this is line 182

What's the 'sizeof' for? Are you trying to initialise it? If so,
initialisation of members belongs to constructor initialiser list.
If you were trying to declare an array, then replace parentheses
with brackets. Most likely you just need to lose the parentheses
and the expression inside them.


boost::pool<> yp(512);

int main()
 Foobar foobar;

 printf( "%u\n", sizeof( boost::pool<>(512) ) );

 return( 0 );

Here is the error message:
ramMgr.cxx:182: error: expected identifier before #sizeof#
ramMgr.cxx:182: error: expected #,# or #...# before #sizeof#
compiler & version
g++ -v
gcc version 4.1.1 20060724 (4.1.1-3mdk)


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