Re: design question: per method static initializer code

Alberto Ganesh Barbati <>
Sun, 9 Nov 2008 20:01:09 CST
<EAARk.99798$> ha scritto:

I have methods in which I need to perform once-only initialization.
This is similar to static initializer blocks in Java, but not exact
since initializer blocks are on per-class basis. I have in mind static
initializer on per-method basis.

struct Foo
    void Bar()
          <static initializer code> // this should be executed only
          <other code>

The way I am doing it is:
struct Foo
    void Bar()
          struct StaticBarInitialzer // internal helper class to do
the needful
                <static initializer code>

          static StaticBarInitialzer tmp; // initializer code is
called only once per method
          <other code>

One can of course use global singletons, but I do not want to use
global namespace for symbols that are used so locally. I happened to
need this kind of set up several times that I am sure others must have
done it earlier. So, the question is, are there better ways of
achieving this?

It looks like a good idiom to me. It's a bit verbose, but it's not that
bad. You could save some typing by writing it this way:

   void Bar()
     static struct Initializer
       Initializer() { /* static init code */ }
     } init;

     /* ... */

which is essentially the same.

Things are going to look prettier in C++0x with the advent of lambda
expressions, for example:

   // you just need this only once for the entire program
   struct ExecuteOnce
      template <typename T>
      ExecuteOnce(T f) { f(); }

   void Bar()
     static ExecuteOnce init = [] // <- lambda introducer
       /* static init code */

     /* ... */

Nice, isn't it?



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