Re: Confused about a thread-safe singleton example.

From: (Stefan Ram)
3 Dec 2008 12:42:55 GMT
Alan Johnson <> writes:

1. Don't use singletons. Ever. Pretty much all of the value of the GoF
Design Patterns book is negated by the fact that they chose to
legitimize Singleton as a design pattern. Singleton is just a fancy
name for global variable. We should call it the Global Variable

  In the C++ "Hello world!" program, usually ?::std::cout? is used,
  which seems to be a ?global variable? to me.
  (In Java, ?java.lang.System.out? has the same r?le.)

  Do you see a way to get rid of it (Possibly by a redesign of
  the library)?

  By a redesign of the language we could use:

int main( ::std::env & env )
{ env.out << "Hello World!\n"; }

  This env would have to be passed to every function that wants
  to print something to env.out. Assume that f and g do not need
  to print something:

int main( ::std::env & env )
{ f(); }

void f(){ g(); }

void g(){ }

  However, if one detects later that one wants to use ?env.out?
  in g, one not only needs to change g, but the whole ?call chain?
  (here: f), to allow this:

int main( ::std::env & env )
{ f( env.out ); }

void f( ::std::ostream & stdout ){ g( stdout ); }

void g( ::std::ostream & stdout ){ stdout << "alpha"; }

  Possibly, one might say that ?env? has low cohesion, because
  it is a collection of different things, which only share that
  they used to be global before.

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