Re: Using templates to wrap OS APIs
* Scott Meyers:
Wrapping platform-dependent APIs has got to be a common C++ activity, and
it seems like templates should be well-suited to the job. Yet I keep
coming back to ifdefs. Can somebody please point out the error of my
The general problem is that in order to use a platform-dependent API you
its declarations, which are provided via a header, and including that header
isn't in general practical (or even possible) on other platforms.
The general C++ solution is separate compilation, including the relevant
only in the relevant implementation files. This is called a "compilation
firewall". It can be generalized up (which is useful in Java but in C++
just needless complication and inefficiency) as separate compilation of a
library which is then accessed via some kind of singleton/factory. Another
generalization which is more useful in C++ is the PIMPL idiom. Which itself
a number of variants and generalizations.
Given separate compilation you can then select the platform's relevant
by using preprocessor directives and/or higher level platform specific
of files (i.e. different packages for different platforms. The latter is
generally preferable since the user's selection of platform is only done
Cheers & hth.,
- Alf
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