Re: StateFull vs Stateless Singleton

James Kanze <>
Mon, 5 Jul 2010 10:50:07 -0700 (PDT)
On Jul 5, 6:20 pm, =D6=F6 Tiib <> wrote:

On 5 juuli, 19:57, James Kanze <> wrote:

In the end, the only real arguments against singletons are that
1) they are often abused (but then, so are a lot of other
things), and 2) the usual syntax is excessively verbose (but
that's easy to fix---just use a lighter syntax).

Yes, exactly. Nothing suggests to use:

 SingletonFactory::instance().giveCordStringTyer().tie( cordString );

Use good syntax:

 tie( cordString );

You reduce coupling somewhat by grouping functions in classes.
(If nothing else, they don't invade global namespace.) Still,
something like:
    CommandLine::parse(argc, argv);
is still a lot less verbose than:
    CommandLine::instance().parse(argc, argv);

I've recently remodeled most of my singletons to use this
syntax. In some cases, there may be a more classical singleton
behind the scenes (in order to resolve order of initialization
issues, for example), but there's no point in burdening the
client code with such details.

I haven't worked out a way to do this with templates, and
I don't think I'm going to bother. While I don't have the
horror of singletons that some do, there's not something that
I use frequently enough to justify developing a complex template
for them.

James Kanze

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   May 4, 1993