Re: Problem to access singleton class object.

Victor Bazarov <v.bazarov@comcast.invalid>
Wed, 08 Aug 2012 07:51:23 -0400
On 8/8/2012 1:27 AM, wrote:

I am getting error to access singleton class object
please check the directory structure -


Looks like two directories with a common root (/home/user_name/src).

now in this mode class diagram is -
osimbmsim is inherited from hal
hal <-- osimbmsim

there is a "server" class into /src/component/osim

inside this server i have written a function from where I am trying
to get the instance of hal class, (hal is a singleton class) and from
thisinstance I am calling the function of osimbmsim.

in server class I have included <hal/hal.h> and <osimbmsim.h>,
because of this this is not able to find all the included header
files in hal.

please give me some solution , I am trying since last night.

The beginning of your solution is described in the FAQ. See section 5
and especially the question (and the answer) 5.8. You can find the FAQ
list here:

Also, singletons and ways to implement them are a well-researched topic,
and you can find plenty of examples on the web. Try
with an appropriate search phrase.

I do not respond to top-posted replies, please don't ask

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