Re: function returning reference to empty object

"Jim Langston" <>
Wed, 16 May 2007 20:30:22 -0700
"Dejfson" <> wrote in message

Dear All,
can someone clarify me how to return the reference to the empty object in
case of error?

_not working_ Example of what i'd like to do:

const MyClassData& MyClass ()
QListIterator<MyClassData> it(fancylist)

while (it.hasNext())
const MyClassData &data =;

if (data are ok)
return data;

return MyClassData();

This compiles, but of course it returns invalid reference in the case when
I don't find any suitable data. It there a way how to use the reference in
such case??

I have just one solution in my mind: if I create class variable:

class MyClass {
MyClass () : errorVariable() {};

MyClassData errorVariable;

and then I modify function:

const MyClassData& MyClass ()
QListIterator<MyClassData> it(fancylist)

while (it.hasNext())
const MyClassData &data =;

if (data are ok)
return data;

return errorVariable;

But I'm not sure whether I like the idea of creating additional variable
just as placeholder for something which doesn't really exist..

Is there another way?

I used throw as thus:

CPlayer& FindPlayer( const SOCKET Socket )
    // Get a reference in the map for this player
    map_player::iterator it = World.ConnectedPlayers.find( Socket );
    if ( it != World.ConnectedPlayers.end() )
        return (*it).second;
        throw 0;

which I use a number of ways (is a client logged in, get a reference,
etc...) A few examples of usage:

            // Get a reference in the map for this player
                // Just do it to see if it throws
                FindPlayer( Socket );
            catch ( int )
                SendMessageToPlayer( Socket, MSG_SERVER_MESSAGE, "<Message
not sent, please relog - Error has been logged>" );
                World.MessageBuffer.push_back( LogError( "Unlogged in client
attempting to send message on socket " + jml::StrmConvert( Socket ) + " on
IP " + IP ) );
                return 0;


            case MSG_REQUEST_PLAYER_INFO: // "PlayerID"
                    SOCKET PlayerID = jml::StrmConvert<SOCKET>(
StrMessage );

                        CPlayer& TargetPlayer = FindPlayer( PlayerID );
                        if ( ThisPlayer.Character.Map ==
TargetPlayer.Character.Map ) // Make sure on same map
                            SendMessageToPlayer( Socket,
MSG_CREATE_PLAYER_OBJECT, CreateCharMessage( TargetPlayer.Socket,
TargetPlayer.Character ) );
                    catch ( int )



                CPlayer& ThisPlayer = FindPlayer( Socket );
                PlayerLeft( ThisPlayer );
            catch ( int )
                World.MessageBuffer.push_back( "Unlogged in socket " +
jml::StrmConvert( Socket ) + " disconnected." );


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