Re: Noob Win32 IPC

"Scott McPhillips [MVP]" <org-dot-mvps-at-scottmcp>
Wed, 12 Aug 2009 23:41:38 -0400
"noemailplease" <> wrote in message

Hi all,

Noob question about interprocess communications between two apps running
on the same machine.

I need to pass information from one application to the second (one-way).

Part of the problem is, the first app only has its data at infrequent
intervals and the second app only needs to read the IPC data at infrequent
intervals; but both apps cannot afford to sit around waiting for the
other. I am guessing I need some sort of asynchronous style of comms,
where the first app posts its message then continues working, then at some
later time the second app will read the message?

I was considering using files written on the HDD, but would prefer a
faster method. Maybe a mailslot is what I need? Maybe a named pipe?

Any advice? Sample codes are always welcome :)

The easiest way to do this is with SendMessage WM_COPYDATA. This assumes
that the receiver app has a window with a known wndclass name (so FindWindow
can find it) and that it pumps messages. SendMessage is a synchronous call,
blocking until the receiving app processes the message.

If that does not fit then you can consider a named pipe, or even a socket
connection on the loopback address.

Scott McPhillips [VC++ MVP]

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