Re: Template<void> [ODE893JFHASTE]

Alberto Ganesh Barbati <>
6 May 2006 11:21:22 -0400
Jakob Bieling ha scritto:

     I thought it was illegal to use void as the template parameter? I
could not find any of that sort in my quick search in the Standard, tho
.. But I remember having worked around this before.

You can't use void as template parameter of the templates of the C++
standard library because explicitly states that the effects
are undefined. However, the use of void as a template parameter in user
defined templates is perfectly legal. Of course, as any other type, when
it's substituted in the template it might produce ill-formed constructs,
but that's a completely different issue. For example:

   template <typename T>
   struct Value
     T x;

   template <typename T>
   struct Pointer
     T* x;

   Value<void> illformed; // error: member of incomplete type
   Pointer<void> legal; // ok



PS: don't know for sure, but I expect to be relaxed in some
way in the future to take into account some TR1 facilities like
tr1::shared_ptr<> and the type traits library which do allow incomplete
types as their parameter (what would be the use of tr1::is_void<> if
type void wasn't allowed? ;)

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