Re: Variables in for loop (style issue)

Walter Bright <>
5 Jun 2006 19:27:52 -0400
James Dennett wrote:

I've shown above that you cannot "just omit it".

#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>

void print(int r) { std::cout << r << '\n'; }

template <int i> class foo {};

int main()
     #define array_size 4
     int array[array_size];
     foo<array_size> object;

Compiles and works fine. If you object to using a macro, I can suggest:

    enum { array_size = 4 };

Or I can argue that we're talking about const as a type qualifier, not
const as a storage class.

const is more optional in C, but this is a C++ newsgroup, and const
(and the rest of static type checking) is more key to C++ than it is
to C.

Referring to your example, I certainly agree that const is key to making:

    const int array_size(4);

const declarations work, but I think that's more self-referential than
key <g>. As for initializing references with integer literals, that's
more filling in an odd corner than key. (There's no reason to prefer:
    void print(const int& r)
    void print(int r)
that I can think of.) That aside, static type checking is just as strong
in C as in C++, so I don't see how static type checking is "more key to
C++". (*)

-Walter Bright C, C++, D programming language compilers

(*) Function prototypes are optional in C - but are specifically
declared "obsolescent" in C99.

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