Re: Templates and derivation

"Greg Herlihy" <>
14 Jun 2006 06:21:20 -0400
Lars Jordan wrote:


I have a question concerning the usage of templates in conjunction with
derivation. I have the following definitions:

template<typename T> class MF : public T
     typedef T ImplType;

class Base
   virtual ~Base() {}

class Derived : public Base
   virtual ~Derived() {}

Then there exists a relationship between Base and Derived which lets me convert
Derived* to Base*.

Furthermore I have a definition

// to keep it simple I use struct with public access.
template<typename U> struct Holder
   Holder() : m_pU( NULL ) {}

     if ( m_pU )
       delete m_pU; m_pU = NULL;

   U* m_pU;

Then I have the problem that I cannot do the following thing since instanciating
a template with the Base and the Derived class doesn't "preserve the

int main( int, char*[] )
   MF<Derived>* pMFD = new MF<Derived>;

   Holder<MF<Base> > baseHolder;
   baseHolder.m_pU = pMFD; // <-- compile error: MF<Derived>* not convertible to
                           // MF<Base>*

   return 0;

To get around this I need a little help from the template parameter of Holder
and little more functionality within holder:

[description of a proxy class template omitted]

My question is. Are there other solutions which solve the problem from described
  above? Is there a solution which avoids the usage of such a ImplType-like member?

The problem as I understand it is that pMFD cannot be assigned to
baseHolder.m_pU because the pointer type of the source (MF<Derived>)
does not inherit from the pointer type of the destination (MF<Base>).
However, since both types do inherit from Base (just not from each
other), the assignment would be legal if baseHolder.m_pU were declared
a pointer to type T instead of a pointer to MF<T> whenever Holder is
instantiated with a MF template class.

And in fact a class template specialization can do exactly that:

     template<class T>
     struct Holder<MF<T> >
         Holder() : m_pU( NULL ) {}

             delete m_pU;

         T* m_pU;

One drawback with template specializations however is that they do not
scale very well. So if there are several classes like MF that require
their own special m_pU declarations then a more systematic approach is
warranted. So instead of multiple Holder specializations, the approach
is to specialize a helper class template that describes just the
relationship between T and m_pU's pointer's type:

     template <class T>
     struct HeldPointerType
         typedef T type;

     template <class T>
     struct HeldPointerType<MF<T> >
         typedef T type;

     template<typename T> struct Holder
         Holder() : m_pU( NULL ) {}

             delete m_pU;

         typename HeldPointerType<T>::type * m_pU;


      [ See for info about ]
      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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