Re: How to pass the field name of a struct as a parameter?

"mlimber" <>
28 Jun 2006 13:04:15 -0700
Shimin wrote:

you can get the offset of a field f in a struct s using the following
well-known trick:

#define OFFSET(s,f) &((struct s *) 0)->f

Once you have the offset, it becomes straightforward to solve your problem.


First, don't top-post. It is considered rude. Second, don't use this
trick unless you must. (Generally, if you must, it means your design is

A better solution would use a function to extract the proper key.
Something like:

 struct S1 { int key1; /*...*/ };
 struct S2 { int key2; /*...*/ };

 int GetKey( const S1& s ) { return s.key1; }
 int GetKey( const S2& s ) { return s.key2; }

 template<class T>
 int MinKey( const vector<T>& v )
   if( v.size() == 0 ) return -1;
   int min = GetKey( v[0] );
   for( vector<T>::const_iterator i = v.begin()+1; i != v.end(); ++i )
     if( GetKey( *i ) < min ) min = GetKey( *i );
   return min;

If the keys are also different types, you could still do it, but it
would have to be a little fancier.

Cheers! --M

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