Re: Singleton class fails on reboot

"mlimber" <>
6 Jul 2006 05:44:54 -0700
<> wrote:

can someone explain to me how to implement this Just in time
singleton based on my current instance function.

Foo& Foo::Instance(void)
    if(_theInstance == 0)
        _theInstance = new Foo();
    return *_theInstance;

Well, we can't see the rest of your code, but here's a more complete

 template<class T>
 class Singleton
    static T& Instance();
    // Disabled functions
    Singleton( const Singleton& );
    Singleton& operator=( const Singleton& );
    Singleton* operator&();

 template<class T>
 T& Singleton<T>::Instance()
    static T myObject;
    return myObject;

Which is used as a wrapper like this:

 class A
   void DoSomething();
   // ...

   // Private constructor/destructor disallows creation
   // except by friends.
   friend class Singleton<A>;

   // Disabled functions for singleton usage
   A( const A& );
   A& operator=( const A& );
   A* operator&();

 typedef Singleton<A> theA;

 void Foo()

See chapter 6 of _Modern C++ Design_ for more than you ever wanted to
know about templates in C++.

Cheers! --M

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