Re: Excessive use of 'this' and performance

"peter koch larsen" <>
27 Nov 2006 10:21:39 -0500
Ahoora skrev:

The code is exactly the same, except where class_a has a templated base
class containing the members. In that case, version 1 is the only one
working properly. If the variables are members of class_a, or a
non-templated base class, the two versions are equivalent.

So can I say it's safer to always use 'this' pointer when dealing with
class members ?

Well... I "never" qualify with this. It looks somewhat beginner-like in
my eyes (and the added this-> takes time to write without adding any
clarity in my mind). But when writing templates it might be a better
idea to use this.

If it's not too much to ask, can you provide a simple templated base
class for class_a in which
_NOT_ using 'this' pointer will cause problem ?

void f();

template <typename t>
class ct: public t
   void dosomething()
     f(); // calls global f
    this->f(); // calls t::f


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