Re: Address of first member of valarray

=?iso-8859-1?q?Daniel_Kr=FCgler?= <>
Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:23:11 CST
On 20 Apr., 04:46, Niels Dekker - no return address
<> wrote:

John Moeller wrote:

I have read that if v is a std::vector, you can safely use &v[0] as
the address to contiguous memory containing the elements of the

Is the same true for std::valarray?

Daniel Kr?gler wrote:

The intend is: yes (if the valarray is not empty).
Note that the current wording of 14882:2003(E) limits this guarantee
on the non-const version of the operator[] overload, see

"The expression &a[i+j] == &a[i] + j evaluates as true for all size_t i
and size_t j such that i+j is less than the length of the non-constant
array a."

because the const overload was specified to return by value.

As a workaround, I guess you can do a const_cast, if you need the
address of the contiguous buffer of a const valarray:

   template <typename T> void func(const valarray<T>& va)
     const T * data = &const_cast<valarray<T>&>(va)[0];

Yes, that is correct. IMO it makes sense for a programmer to add
the following helper functions (as long as there exists no data member
function in valarray):

#include <valarray>

template <typename T>
inline T* data(std::valarray<T>& va)
   return va.size() ? &va[0] : 0;

template <typename T>
inline const T* data(const std::valarray<T>& va)
   return va.size() ? &const_cast<std::valarray<T>&>(va)[0] : 0;

Greetings from Bremen,

Daniel Kr?gler

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