Re: How to get a templated class to determine template argument list on it's own?

"Jim Langston" <>
Sat, 5 May 2007 19:20:38 -0700
"Ian Collins" <> wrote in message

Jim Langston wrote:

This should illistrate what I am trying to do:

template <class T>
T SomeFunction( T parm )
    return parm;

template <class T>
class SomeClass
    SomeClass( T fp ) {}

int main()
    int x = 0;
    SomeFunction( x );
    // SomeClass sf( x ); // Won't work
    SomeClass<int> sf( x );

I'm trying to instantize a templated class without having to specify the
template argument. I can do that for templated functions as shown. When
trying to compile for classes, however, I'm told that:
error C2955: 'SomeClass' : use of class template requires template

For this simple type of int illistrating the problem, it's no big deal.
I have to do is add <int>. But what I'm actually trying to do is come up
with a way to store function pointers in a class which this is the first
piece of. I'm don't want to have to figure out if it's int (*)( float,
double, std::string).

I mean, I can in a fuction pass the name of a function and even call it
in a
function (with no parms at this point) and I don't have to type in code
template argument.

You will have to use a function template to wrap what ever it is you are
doing. Unfortunately, that's the way it is.

Okay, this actually works as far as it goes, although I didn't think it

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

class Base
    virtual ~Base() {}

template <class T>
class SomeClass: public Base
    SomeClass( T fp ) {}
    T fp;

template <class T>
SomeClass<T>* SomeFunction( T parm )
    return new SomeClass<T>( parm );

int Foo( int Parm )
    std::cout << "In Foo\n";
    return Parm;

double Bar( )
    std::cout << "In Bar\n";
    return 3.1415926;

void FooBar( int a, double b, std::string c )
    std::cout << "In FooBar\n";

int main()
    std::vector<Base*> Functions;

    Functions.push_back( SomeFunction( Foo ) );
    Functions.push_back( SomeFunction( Bar ) );
    Functions.push_back( SomeFunction( FooBar ) );

Now I just have to figure out some mechanism to call fp( parms ) in the
derived classes :/ I've been scratching my head on this one.

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