Re: How to declare all forms of "more specialized" class template as friend?

Greg Herlihy <>
Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:51:13 CST
On 6/13/07 1:29 PM, in article, "yonil"
<> wrote:

Suppose I have a class template Foo which privately inherits a class

template <class A, class B>
class Foo :
// user shouldn't ever gain access to Bar
private Bar

Suppose now that Foo is part of the implementation of another
template, Baz,
that depends on additional template arguments.

template <class X, class A, class Y, class B, class Z>
class Baz
// users should declare Foo's only as Baz<...>::my_foo_type
typedef Foo<A, B> my_foo_type;

// stuff
my_foo_type pikaboo()
    my_foo_type result;

    Bar& result_bar_ref = result; // doesn't work!! Bar is private

    return result;


What I need to do for this to work is to have all possible classes of
the form Baz<X, A, Y, B, Z> (for any X, Y, Z) be a friend of class
Baz<A, B>.

Is there any way to achieve that?

No, not with the requirements as stated. A class may declare a class
template or as a class template specialization as its friend, but it may not
declare a class template partial specialization as a friend - which is
essentially what would be required here.

So about the only solutions that I can see would be to declare every Baz
specialization a friend of Foo's. And I don't see much reason not to do so:
after all, if Baz is a friend to some Foo specializations, there's not much
lost in Baz being a friend to all of them.

Alternately, it would be possible to define a "FooFriend" class template
that would be instantiated with just the two parameter types, A and B, from
Raz's type parameter list. Raz then would be declared a subclass of
FooFriend<A, B>. Raz's additional type parameters (X, Y, and Z) would then
be used to instantiated FooFriend's pikaboo() - which would be declared a
member template:

    template <class T1, class T2> class FooFriend;

    class Bar {};

    template <class A, class B>
    class Foo :
        // user shouldn't ever gain access to Bar
        private Bar
         template< class T1, class T2> friend class FooFriend;

    template <class T1, class T2>
    class FooFriend
        typedef Foo<T1, T2> my_foo_type;

        // pass policy types here
        template <class T3, class T4, class T5>
        my_foo_type pikaboo()
            my_foo_type result;

            // do some work here depending on template types and policies:
            // T3, T4, T5

            // we need access to the Bar object underlying the Foo type here
            // in order to produce the result
            Bar& result_bar_ref = result; // OK

            return result;

    template <class X, class A, class Y, class B, class Z>
    class Baz : public FooFriend<A, B>
        // users should declare Foo's only as Baz<...>::my_foo_type
        typedef typename FooFriend<A, B>::my_foo_type my_foo_type;
        my_foo_type pikaboo()
            // Note tricky syntax
            return this->FooFriend<A, B>::template pikaboo<X, Y, Z>();


      [ See for info about ]
      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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