N2284 defect: header <limits> synopsis misses specializations
According to [basic.fundamental] p. 5+7 the newly
added character types char16_t and char32_t are distinct
fundamental types. Further-on, std::numeric_limits has
now finally cleaned-up it's responsibilities (see [limits])
and claims to be specialized for all *fundamental* types
(p. 2), but the header <limits> synopsis does not contain
the members:
template<> class numeric_limits<char16_t>;
template<> class numeric_limits<char32_t>;
I propose to add them just before the specialization for
Further on I would like to repeat an issue mentioned in an
earlier posting on february 15th that even with these added
specializations the list of [limits]/"header<limits> synopsis"
is still incomplete, because according to [basic.fundamental]/2
there might exist so-called "extended integer types", which
also belong to the fundamental types and which are currently
not mentioned in the specialization list of [limits]. To fix this
issue I propose to add one final line to the header<limits>
.. // Further specializations for each extended integer type
Greetings from Bremen,
Daniel Kr?gler
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