Re: Using SFINAE with member function types

Greg Herlihy <>
Sun, 22 Jul 2007 03:21:00 CST
On Jul 21, 12:36 am, Chris Fairles <> wrote:

Below is some code illustrating the wrong way to do what I'd like to
do. I have a class "A" with function "void f(int,int)" and class "B"
without that function. Is there a way to construct a traits-like
class, Q, that contains a constant expression (Q<T>::value) that
evaluates to true if some class T has the function "void f
(int,int)" ?

Pretend A and B cannot be changed. You only have Q to work with.

struct A {
  void f (int,int){}


struct B{};

template <class T,class F=void>
struct Q {


template<class T>
struct Q<T,void(T::*)(int,int)> {


int main() {
  if( Q<A>::value ) {cout << "A";}
  if( !Q<B>::value ){cout << "B";}


I'd like this to output "AB". I've tried playing around with
boost::enable_if and boost::function_traits but have not come up with
a solution.

How about:

    #include <iostream>

    template <class T, void (T::*)(int, int) >
    struct mf_bind
        typedef T type;

    template <class T1, class T2>
    struct has_f
        static const bool value = false;

    template <class T>
    struct has_f<T, typename mf_bind<T, &T::f>::type>
        static const bool value = true;

    template <class T>
    struct Q
        static const bool value = has_f<T, T>::value;

     // A and B test classes

    struct A
        void f (int,int){}

    struct B{};

    using std::cout;

    int main()
        if( Q<A>::value ) {cout << "A";}
        if( !Q<B>::value ){cout << "B";}

    Program Output:



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