Re: Problems removing an element from a std::set using a reverse_iterator
In article <>,
irotas <> wrote:
However, if it's really
true that there's no good way to remove elements from a container
while iterating over it in reverse, that seems to be a severe language
Just use iterators and decrement operations as appropriate:
UIntSet::iterator it(uis.end());
while(it !=uis.begin() && pred(*--it)) uis.erase(it++);
note there is no dereference of iterators pointing to erased items.
and no gyrations needed using reverse_iterator.
// easiest way to get the SFINAE class that tests for
// typedef ... key_type;
#include <boost/mpl/has_xxx.hpp>
template <class C,class B=has_key_type<C>::type>
struct erase_struct
typedef typename C::iterator iterator;
static iterator exec(C &c,iterator it)
// emulate recent drafts
return it;
template <class C>
struct erase_struct<C,boost::mpl::false_>
typedef typename C::iterator iterator;
static iterator exec(C &c,iterator it)
return c.erase(it);
template <class C,class Pred>
void erase_backward_if(C &c,Pred pred)
typename C::iterator it(c.end());
while( it != c.begin() && pred(*--it))
looks generic. but not tested.
note no dereferencing of invalid iterators in all cases.
[ See for info about ]
[ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]