Re: Template-Meta: Finding out whether a template-definition exists

Barry <>
Mon, 03 Sep 2007 23:30:02 +0800
<fbh9av$32v$> wrote:

On Sep 3, 2:13 pm, "Hendrik Schober" <> wrote:


suppose we have

  template< typename T >
  struct X;

and some specializations:

  struct X<A> {};

  struct X<B> {};

  struct X<B> {};

Given a type 'U', is there a way to find out whether the
definition 'X<U>' exists? (The result should be a compile-
time constant, so that it can be used for specializing
other templates.)


-- is never read
I'm HSchober at gmx dot de
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template< typename T >
struct X
    enum { kIsSpecialized = false };

struct X< A >
    enum { kIsSpecialized = true };

if you cannot touch the structs you might keep a manually updated
typelist ( a la Alexandrescu ) of the specialized types anche check if
a type is in the typelist...

I can't think of any other way ( so probably there are a thousands
more ... )

I think of another way (in your "thousand more" :-) ) to do compile-time

#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>

template <class T>
struct X;

template <>
struct X<int>

template <>
struct X<float>

struct true_type
     char dummy[256];

struct false_type
     char dummy[1];

template <class U>
struct Traiter
     static true_type test(X<int>);
     static true_type test(X<float>);
     static false_type test(...);

     static X<U> make_xt();

     enum { value = (sizeof(test(make_xt())) == sizeof(true_type)) };

int main()
     using namespace std;


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