Re: template function object for accumulate

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Tue, 4 Sep 2007 13:19:31 -0400
er wrote:

pls i need help with
a) understanding the error at the bottom of the code
b) making another function object, (almost) identical to
Accumulate_op, say Accumulate_const_op whose operator is defined as R
operator()(R sum_so_far,const C& obj)const
what would be the best way? i'm hoping i can create a more general
Accumulate_op with an extra par to specify if C& should be const or

See below.

//here is the code:

template<typename C,typename R,R (C::*F)()> class Accumulate_op:
public std::binary_function<R,C,R>{//,typename R (C::*F)()
                      R operator()(R sum_so_far,C& obj)const;
template<typename C,typename R,R (C::*F)()> R
Accumulate_op<C,R,F>::operator()(R sum_so_far,C& obj)const{
              return sum_so_far+(obj.*F)();

class Test{
              long double get(){return 0.9;};

int main(){
      Test t;
      std::vector<Test> vec(3);

So, your total number of vector elements is 6 here...

                      Accumulate_op<Test,long double,&Test::get>()
              )<<std::endl;//error shows here
return 0;
//end of code

error: conversion from '<unresolved overloaded function type>' to
 non-scalar type '__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<Test*,
 std::allocator<Test> > >' requested

OK, you solved this one. Here is what I propose:
class Test {
    long double get() { return 0.9; }

class TestConst {
    long double get() const { return 0.9; }

#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

template<typename C, typename R, typename Ff>
class Accumulate_op_T {
    Ff F;
    Accumulate_op_T(Ff f) : F(f) {}
    R operator()(R sum_so_far, C& obj) const
        return sum_so_far + (obj.*F)();

template<typename C, typename R, typename Ff>
Accumulate_op_T<C,R,Ff> Accumulate_op(Ff f) {
    return Accumulate_op_T<C,R,Ff>(f);

int main(){
    Test t;
    std::vector<Test> vec(3, t);
    TestConst tc;
    std::vector<TestConst> vecc(4, tc);

        << std::accumulate(
                Accumulate_op<Test, long double>(&Test::get))
        << std::endl;
        << std::accumulate(
                Accumulate_op<TestConst, long double>(&TestConst::get))
        << std::endl;
    return 0;

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