Re: TMP type-picking

Barry <>
Mon, 1 Oct 2007 13:06:58 CST
Jan C. Kleinsorge wrote:

Hi everyone,

I am trying to get the program below to work. I'd like to define a type
that will automatically pick the first type in the typelist that is big
enough to hold the number of bytes given.

AutoType<SignedIntList, 4>::Result i;


    template <class T, class U>
      struct TypeList {
        typedef T Head;
        typedef U Tail;

    struct NullType {};

    typedef TypeList<char,
                TypeList<long long, NullType> > > > > SignedIntList;

    template <class Tl, int i> struct AutoType;

    template <class H, class T>
      struct AutoType<TypeList<H, T>, 0> {
        typedef H Result;

    template<class H, class T, int i>
      struct AutoType<TypeList<H, T>, i> {
        typedef typename
          AutoType<T, (sizeof(H) >= i) ? 0 : i>::Result Result;

Obviously, the final Result type-definition is just one step further
than the type needed. Like suggesting an (32bit here) int where a short
would've been enough.
Can you give me a hint on how I could trick this to work?

Add a Select template to select a type

     template <class First, class Second, bool B>
     struct Select
         typedef Second Type;

     template <class First, class Second>
     struct Select<First, Second, true>
         typedef First Type;

and change your partial specialization of AutoType to

     template<class H, class T, int i>
       struct AutoType<TypeList<H, T>, i> {
         typedef typename
             typename AutoType<T, (sizeof(H) >= i) ? 0 : i>::Result,
             (sizeof(H) >= i)
           >::Type Result;

      [ See for info about ]
      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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