Re: Workaround for partial specialization wanted
"Matthias Hofmann" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Now my code looks like this:
#include <iostream>
#include "remove_extent.hpp"
template <class T>
T* TrackNew( T* ptr, const char* file, int line, int )
std::cout << "Tracking object allocation" << std::endl;
return ptr;
template <class T>
boost::remove_extent<T>::type* TrackNew( boost::remove_extent<T>::type*
const char* file, int line, ... )
std::cout << "Tracking array allocation" << std::endl;
return ptr;
#define NEW( T ) TrackNew<T>( new T, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0 )
int main()
int* p1 = NEW( int );
delete p1;
int* p2 = NEW( int[64] );
delete [] p2;
return 0;
Unfortunately this does not help me as much as I thought it would, because
in my actual code, TrackNew() is a member function template, and while the
above code does not cause any problems, my compiler chokes on the following:
template <class T> T* f( T* ptr )
return ptr;
struct X
template <class T> T* f( T* ptr )
return ptr;
int main()
int i;
// Does not cause any problems.
int* p = f<int>( &i );
X x;
// error C2062: type 'int' unexpected
p = x.f<int>( &int );
return 0;
Does anyone happen to know a workaround for this? If yes, then I might give
it yet another try...
Matthias Hofmann
Anvil-Soft, CEO - The Creators of Toilet Tycoon - Die Macher des Klomanagers
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