Re: TR1 true_type and flase_type, how to combine?
In article
<> wrote:
For type_traits, classes true_type and false_type have been defined.
These types are the equivalent of true and false, but for template
programming. Hence, I'd also expect the equivanent of &&, || and !
Yet I can't find any mention of them?
The implementation seems trivial:
template <typename L, typename R>
struct and_type{ };
template <>
struct and_type<true_type, true_type> : public true_type { };
template <>
struct and_type<true_type, false_type> : public false_type { };
template <>
struct and_type<false_type, true_type> : public false_type { };
template <>
struct and_type<false_type, falsee_type> : public false_type { };
etcetera. This would allow us to assert properties like
and_type<is_base_of<T, U>, is_base_of<T, V> >
Have these been considered?
Michiel Salters
template <class T,class U> struct and_;
template <class T,class U> struct or_;
template <class T> struct not_;
template <class T,class U T t, U u>
struct and_
:integral_constant<bool, t &&u>{};
similiar for or_ and not_, In fact you might want
to allow anding or oring upto N integral constants in
one invocation of and_ and or_ like boost::mpl allows,
that is
typedef or_
this is derived from an integral_constant<bool, b> where b is
the value of A&&B && C || C && D || E && F && G && H.
a lot less messy than just the rpn of the expression.
I would prefer this latter approach as it makes boolean expression
in template args easier to read than the raw rpn translation would
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