Re: "expected primary-expression before '>'" error?

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 01:39:17 CST
On Apr 18, 4:19 pm, wrote:

The following code gives an "expected primary-expression before '>'"
error when compiled with gcc, Dev-C++ version There is no
such error with MSVC 2005 or 2008. I would be grateful to know if it a
gcc bug, or alternatively what is wrong with the code.

gcc conforms to the standard and VC++ is behaving smarter than what
the standard requires.

template< typename G >
struct Test
    template< typename T > T f() const;


 template< typename G, typename T >
 void g()
     Test< G > t;

     t.f< T >(); // error reported for this line

Above, f depends on a template parameter. It can be a member variable,
an enum value, a member function, etc. of Test<G>. Unless told, the
compiler cannot know that f is a template itself.

So it parses the < character as "less than" and gets confused later

You must tell the compiler that f is a template so that it parses < as
the opening bracket of a template parameter list. Sorry for the busy
syntax: :)

       t.template f< T >();


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