Re: Can you specialize the Template operator==

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Fri, 09 May 2008 19:09:45 +0200
* 3DCoderGuy:

I'm trying to specialize the operator== for my template, here is my code

#define DOUBLE_EPSILON (1e-6)
#define FLOAT_EPSILON (1e-4f)

bool const operator==(const XYZPoint<T> &xyzTest) const
 return (
  (x == xyzTest.x) &&
  (y == xyzTest.y) &&
  (z == xyzTest.z)

template<typename T>
 bool const operator==(const XYZPoint<float> &xyzTest) const
 return (
  (x - xyzTest.x < FLOAT_EPSILON) && (x - xyzTest.x > -FLOAT_EPSILON) &&
  (y - xyzTest.y < FLOAT_EPSILON) && (y - xyzTest.y > -FLOAT_EPSILON) &&
  (z - xyzTest.z < FLOAT_EPSILON) && (z - xyzTest.z > -FLOAT_EPSILON)

template<typename T>
 bool const operator==(const XYZPoint<double> &xyzTest) const
 return (
  (x - xyzTest.x < DOUBLE_EPSILON) && (x - xyzTest.x > -DOUBLE_EPSILON) &&
  (y - xyzTest.y < DOUBLE_EPSILON) && (y - xyzTest.y > -DOUBLE_EPSILON) &&
  (z - xyzTest.z < DOUBLE_EPSILON) && (z - xyzTest.z > -DOUBLE_EPSILON)

But when I do this
XYZPoint<double> pnt1(1.0,0.0,1.0);
XYZPoint<double> pnt2(1.0,0.0,2.0);

if (pnt1 == pnt2)

the specialization for <double> is never called.

Can this be done, and what would be the correct syntax?

Others have remarked on syntax etc.

However, if you really want to do this epsilon thing (note: it means you lose
the important property that a==b && b==c implies a==c, which means it's really
not a good idea, at least as long as you pretend that it's '==' equality), then
I suggest you pick up the relevant epsilon from a template:

template< typename T >
struct EpsilonFor
   static T const value;

float const EpsilonFor<float>::value = 1.e-4f;

double const EpsilonFor<double>::value = 1.e-6;

template< typename FloatType >
bool isNearEqual( FloatType a, FloatType b )
     return (std::abs( a - b ) <= EpsilonFor<FloatType>::value);

Cheers, & hth.,

- Alf

PS: Are you aware of std::numeric_limits? If not, take a look.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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A: Top-posting.
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