Re: type function U[1] and U(*)[1] SFINAE issue

Barry <>
Fri, 23 May 2008 19:16:14 -0700 (PDT)
On May 24, 5:10 am, Fei Liu <> wrote:

Hello, I just hit a strange problem regarding SFINAE. The following code
causes compile error (void cannot be array element type), I thought
SFINA should match test(...) version instead and not issue any error.

If I replace U[1] with U(*)[1], then the code compiles again. I couldn't
make the sense out of it. What's the magic with (*)? Note that
function<int>::yes returns correct result 0 even with U[1].

What compiler are you using?

as long as U is a function type, U[1] is illformed, array of function
is not allowed.

when you say "U[1]" as a function parameter type, it's deprecated as
when you say "U(*)[1]", it's a pointer to array of U.

Please help me out.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <typename T>
struct function{

     template <typename U> static char test(...);
     template <typename U> static char (&test(U[1]))[2];

     enum { yes = (sizeof(function<T>::test<T>(0)) == 1) };


could you explain your algorithm here?

int main(){

     cout << "int: " << function<int>::ye=

s << endl;

     cout << "void: " << function<void>::yes=

 << endl;

     // function
     cout << "void(): " << function<void()>::yes=

 << endl;

     // function ptr
     cout << "void(*)(): " << function<void(*)()>::ye=

s << endl;


a clean implementation of is_function from this NG a while ago:

by means of "function to pointer-to-function conversion"

typedef char (&yes) [1];
typedef char (&no) [2];

// is_class_type
template <typename T>
class is_class_type
    template <typename S>
    static yes check(int S::*);

    template <typename S>
    static no check(...);

    static bool const value = (sizeof(check<T>(0)) == sizeof(yes));

template <typename T>
class is_function
    template <typename S>
    static yes check(S*);

    template <typename S>
    static no check(...);

    static bool const value =
        (sizeof(check<T>(*(T*)(0))) == sizeof(yes));

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