Re: Function template specialization

Victor Bazarov <>
Wed, 04 Jun 2008 18:22:22 -0400
<g274iu$msc$> wrote:

On Jun 5, 1:05 am, Victor Bazarov <> wrote: wrote:

I have the following code:
template <class T>
struct MyS
template<class T>
inline const T& function(const std::locale& loc)
  std::cout << "generic" << std::endl;
template <class CharType, class Traits, class Allocator>
inline const MyS< std::basic_string<CharType, Traits, Allocator> >&
function< MyS< std::basic_string<CharType, Traits, Allocator> >
            > (const std::locale& loc)
  std::cout << "specialized" << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  function< MyS<std::string> >(std::locale()); //Should print
  function< MyS<std::wstring> >(std::locale()); //Should print
  function< MyS<int> >(std::locale()); //Should print "generic"
  return 0;
Which doesn't compile, I believe it's because you can't partially
specialize function templates.


 > But I really need to

get the desired behavior(Note the "Should print"s in comments), how
can this be done ?

You can invent your own traits class and specialise that (or *on* that).
  Full specialisations of function templates *are* allowed.

Oh, forgot to mention that I need to get this behavior without
changing the signature of generic function:

template<class T>
inline const T& function(const std::locale& loc)

Is it possible ?

So, you have a function template that you want to behave differently if
you give it some special *set of* Ts, right. And that set is unbounded,
right? If it is, the solution is to wrap those in a class template and
specialise that:

     template<class T> struct Caller {
         static T& call(const std::locale& loc) {
             return function<T>(loc);

     template<class T, class U> struct Caller<MyS<T,U> > {
         static MyS<T,U>& call(const std::locale& loc) {
             return function<MyS<T,U> >(loc);

Of course in that case you need to refactor the code that calls the
functions from




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