Maybe OT, compiles in DevCPP, not in MSVC 2008

"Jim Langston" <>
Wed, 4 Jun 2008 16:04:20 -0700
 I'm trying to compile some source code to interface LUA into C++. When I
compile in MSVC++ Express 2008, however, I get the error (among others):

....\luastate.h(129) : error C2027: use of undefined type
....\luastate.h(63) : see declaration of 'cpplua::LuaFunction'

So I'm trying to track this down. I see that there is a function trying to
return LuaFunction Like this:

  LuaFunction createFunction(cppluaFunction* f);
  template <typename T> LuaFunction createFunction(T& object,
int(T::*f)(LuaState*)) {
    LuaFunction res = createFunctionFromObject();
    lua_pushlightuserdata(L, &res);
    lua_pushlightuserdata(L, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&object));
    void* ptmf = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(int(T::*)(LuaState*)));
    std::memcpy(ptmf, &f, sizeof(int(T::*)(LuaState*)));
    lua_pushcclosure(L, LuaState::generalTemplateFunction<T>, 2);
    lua_settable(L, cppluaTableIndex);
    return res;

And the error is showing up on the closing bracket which is line 129. So
then I try to back track where LuaFunction is defined and find in some
unrelated class:
  friend class LuaFunction;

The I try to find out if luafunction.h is included, and it is, but in a roud
about way. I find there are some interdepedancies between luastate.h and

luafuncion.h includes
luaobject.h which includes

before any other custom headers in each.

luastate.h, however, does not include luafunction.h

luastate.cpp incluses luastate.h before any other header.

So how the heck does DevCPP compile this mess? At the point of luastate.h
line 129 LuaFunction has not been declared. Yet DevCPP goes ahead and
compiles it happily.

Unfortuanlly, the project I eventually want to use this lua interface in is
a MSVC++ 2008 project and the lua library I have is for microsoft (it failes
with many errors linking in DevCPP).

What is the culprit here? I'm suspecting it some DevCPP "extention"
although not thought of as that, as DevCPP just goes ahead and figures out
how to compile it somehow when logically it shouldn't. There are so many
interdependancies in thsi code that to fix it might to do.

Any help would be appreciated.

Jim Langston

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