Re: Another Koenig lookup thread, yes, kill me now

Alberto Ganesh Barbati <>
Fri, 25 Jul 2008 12:05:32 CST
<lDgik.33495$> ha scritto:

Now, I don't want to start a flame thread, and I apologize for
bringing this up. However, I do have a couple things I would like
clarified. To start, here's one of the well known problems with Koenig

// **** main problem
namespace A
{ class foo {};
     template <typename T> void helper (T) {}
namespace B
{ template <typename T> void helper(T ) {}

     template <typename T>
     class set
         { T tmp;
int main() { B::set<A::foo *> s; }
// ****

I actually had this happen to me in production code. I ended up
     int main() { B::set<A::foo *> s; }
     int main() { B::set<void *> s; }
to get around Koenig lookup, and static_cast'ing on each use. I really
disliked how I had to abandon type safety. I was in a no win
situation. namespace B was the compiler's STL, and namespace A was a
company-wide header which was not going to change.

You could fix this problem by adding the following declaration in
namespace A:

   template <typename T> void helper (T* t) { helper<T*>(t); }

The line above won't change namespace A significantly and this might
overcome the "namespace A is not going to change" rationale.


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