Re: Who discovered the type erasure technique in C++?

David Abrahams <>
Fri, 22 Aug 2008 06:56:14 CST
on Wed Aug 20 2008, "Roshan Naik" <> wrote:

{ Edits: top-posting rearranged. Roshan: please don't top-post in this
(see the FAQ). -mod }

On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 14:18:15 -0700, Marco Manfredini
<> wrote:

If defined that way, then "type erasure" is an attempt to copy
Haskell's type classes, introduced 1989 by Wadler & Blott.


Im not a Haskell expert but ... Type classes are much closer to Concepts
in C++0x. A type class is not a concrete type but a category of types. But
boost::function and castor::relation are concrete types which can be

I'm also not a Haskell expert, but IIUC...

The interesting thing is that Type classes in Haskell are implemented
using type erasure -- a "vtable" is built each time a distinct function
template is instantiated. The most important result is that --- unlike
with C++ concepts --- haskell typeclasses can't call specializations the
way that binary_search calls a more efficient implementation of advance
for random access iterators. In Haskell, once the type information is
gone, it's gone.

Here's a sketch of some C++ that implements a Haskell-style generic

   struct for_each_concepts
       // Forward Iterator
       void (*iter_copy)(void const* src, void* dst);
       bool (*iter_not_equal)(void const*, void const*);
       void (*iter_destroy)(void const*);
       void* (*iter_deref)(void const*);
       void (*iter_inc)(void*);

           // Unary Function
       void (*finvoke)(void const*f, void* arg);

   template <class T>
   bool not_equal(void const* x, void const* y)
       return *static_cast<T const*>(x)
           != *static_cast<T const*>(y);

   template <class T>
   void* deref(void const* x)
       return &**static_cast<T const*>(x);

   template <class T>
   void inc(void* x)

   template <class T>
   void copy(void const* src, void* dst)
       new (dst) T(
           *static_cast<T const*>(src));

   template <class T>
   void destroy(void const* x)
       static_cast<T const*>(x)->~T();

   template <class F, class A>
   void finvoke(void const* f, void* arg)
       ( *static_cast<F const*>(f) )(
                           *static_cast<A*>(arg) );

   template <class ForwardIterator, class UnaryFunction>
   inline void for_each(
           ForwardIterator const& start, ForwardIterator const& finish,
        UnaryFunction const& f
       typedef ForwardIterator fi;

       static for_each_concepts const models = {
              copy<fi>, not_equal<fi>, destroy<fi>, deref<fi>, inc<fi>
            , finvoke< UnaryFunction, typename std::iterator_traits<fi>::value_type>

       aligned_storage< alignment_of<fi>::value, sizeof(fi) > storage;

       for_each_impl( &start, &finish, &f, storage.address(), models );

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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