Re: Making a smart pointer which works with incomplete types
* Kai-Uwe Bux:
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
* Kai-Uwe Bux:
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
* Juha Nieminen:
Then it occurred to me: Is there any reason this pointer cannot be
static? Like this:
template<typename Data_t>
class SmartPointer
static void(*deleterFunc)(Data_t*);
SmartPointer(Data_t* d): data(d)
deleterFunc = &deleter;
template<typename Data_t>
void(*SmartPointer<Data_t>::deleterFunc)(Data_t*) = 0;
This way the pointer to the deleter will be stored in the program
once, and most importantly it will not increment the size of the smart
This feels so glaringly obvious to me now that I really wonder why
this wasn't suggested to me to begin with. Is there some error here I'm
Yeah. Successive smart pointer instantiations can change the common
deleter func pointer.
Sorry, I reacted to the static pointer. As I wrote use a template
parameter instead. The only valid reason for having a pointer to that
function is to change the pointer, and that's apparently done in the
constructor body,
Really? Then a smart pointer working with incomplete types (in the sense
above) either does not qualify as a valid reason or there must be a way
without that (static) pointer. Which is it? and if it is the second, which
way of making a smart pointer work with incomplete types do you have in
Consider the following:
template< typename T >
void destroy( T* );
template< typename T >
class SmartPointer
~SmartPointer() { if( ... ) { destroy( myReferent ); } }
It achieves the same as the original code without any static pointer.
For more flexibility (in the direction that a static pointer could add
flexibility) make the deleter a template parameter.
Cheers & hth.,
- Alf
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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