Re: Lambdas and result_type

SG <>
Tue, 4 Nov 2008 12:48:15 CST
On 4 Nov., 15:36, Pavel Minaev <> wrote:

Reading through N2550 (the most recent lambda wording), it seems that
function objects produced from lambda expressions do not have
"result_type" typedef in them, nor any other conventional means to
retrieve the return value of the call-operator.

So far we have in the <concepts> header:

   auto concept Callable<typename F, typename... Args> {
      typename result_type;
      result_type operator()(F&&, Args...);

as well as a type-trait version in the <functional> header

   template<class> class result_of;
   template<class F, class... Args> class result_of<F(Args...)> {
      typedef ??? type; // return type, ??? = implementation defined

Both are part of the current draft (N2798) and should cover lambdas as

The name "return_type" is just a library-level convention and has no
special meaning as far as the language's core is concerned. So, this
might be one of the reasons why lambdas don't have such a typedef.


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