Re: Check for whole number in template function.
On Nov 7, 3:13 am, joseph cook <> wrote:
On Nov 6, 8:22 pm, Matthias <> wrote:
I want to write a template function which accepts either
integer or floating point numbers.
If a certain result is not a whole number and if the
template parameter is an integer, it should return false,
but it should work normally if the parameter is a float.
To illustrate this, I attached a minimal example.
The background:
I have a variable (in this case "temp") holding the result
of some calculations and representing a time in
milliseconds. The output, however, shall be in seconds, and
the function should only return successfully if the value
can be represented in seconds (without any rounding).
The code example below does all that, but I wanted to know
if there is a better way to do it and if this code works on
all systems.
Is it possible that the "if"-clause is optimized away? I
compiled it with gcc with the -O3 option and it still works.
You could look at functions from the limits header like:
#include <limits>
if (numeric_limits<T>::is_integer)
Note that numeric_limits<T>::is_integer is NOT a function, and
that the standard requires it to be usable as an integral
constant expression. So you can specialize on it, and write
something like:
template< bool Is > struct Discriminater {} ;
template< typename T >
functionHelper( T in, Discriminater< true > )
// handle integer case...
template< typename T >
functionHelper( T in, Discriminater< false > )
// handle floating point...
template< typename T >
function( T in )
// ...
in, Discriminater< std::numeric_limits< T >::is_integer
() ) ;
// ...
(But depending on what he's doing, a simple runtime check might
be sufficient, and is a lot simpler.)
James Kanze (GABI Software)
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