Re: SFINAE with invalid function-type or array-type parameters?

SG <>
Tue, 5 May 2009 14:51:04 CST
On 4 Mai, 21:07, litb <> wrote:

template<typename T>
char (&f(T[1]))[1];

template<typename T>
char (&f(...))[2];

int main() { char c[sizeof(f<void()>(0)) == 2]; }
// snap

I expected it doing SFINAE and chosing the second overload, since
substitution of T into T[1] yields

     void [1]()

Which is an invalid type, of course.

My initial thought was that this should work as a function's parameter
type because

  void foo(int x[1]);

is no different from

  void foo(int* x);

By that logic void x[1]() would be equivalent to void(*x)() in this
context. But I could not compile the following snippet

  void foo(void x[1]());

using G++ 4.3.2. It says: "error: declaration of 'x' as array of
functions". Strangely enough it works as a template

  template<typename T>
  void foo(T x[1]) {}

  int main() {
    foo<void()>(0); // compiles fine


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