Re: Using mem_fun_ref on overloaded member function.

SG <>
Thu, 3 Sep 2009 02:06:25 -0700 (PDT)
tmak wrote:

Thanks for your help SG. The functor approach worked for me.
I modified it by making a template function "for_all" instead to avoid
needing the bind2nd call, as well as having to specify the argument
type to appendor.

Here's my final version (please comment if you see a problem -I'm
trying to learn templates);

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>

using namespace std;

template<typename T> class appendor
  template<class A>
    T& operator()(T& t, const A& a) const {return t.append(a);}
  template<class A>
    T& operator()(T& t, A& a) const {return t.append(a);}

template<class V,class F,class A>
void for_all(V& vec,const F& func,const A& arg)
  for (typename V::iterator it=vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); it ++)=



V might be deduced to be "const something" in which case begin() and
end() will return const_iterators. const_iterators are not convertible
to their non-const counter part, so this will result in a compilation
error. Also, avoid post-increment and post-decrement if pre-increment
or pre-decrement is sufficient.

In C++0x you will be able to write

  template<class Container, class Functor, class...Args>
  Functor for_all(Container & cont, Functor f, const Args&...args)
    auto beg = vec.begin();
    auto const end = vec.end();
    for (; beg!=end; ++beg){
    return func;

to solve the iterator type problem. But then again, you could just as
well reuse std::for_each with a lambda expression or use the new for-
range loop.

In C++03 you can overload your for_all function template with another
version that takes a ref-to-const for the container and use typename
Container::const_iterator as iterator type. Another approach would be
to write a "trait class" like this:

  template<typename Container>
  struct get_iterator_type
  {typedef typename Container::iterator type;};

  template<typename Container>
  struct get_iterator_type<const Container>
  {typedef typename Container::const_iterator type;};

  template<class Container, class Functor, class Arg>
  Functor for_all(Container & cont, Functor f, const Arg& arg)
    typedef typename get_iterator_type<Container>::type iter_t;
    iter_t beg = vec.begin();
    iter_t const end = vec.end();
    for (; beg!=end; ++beg){
    return func;


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