Re: template parameter representation

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Sat, 14 Nov 2009 06:26:26 +0100
* ma740988:

Greetings Alf,

You haven't shown the use of the type, in particular foo.

Not sure I'm following you.

I'm not sure I follow me.

But it seems like a case of search and replace.

Some refactoring tools may be able to do that for you, but an editor is probably

I want a mix of hw_default_type and hw_register_struct_type within the
code. I think I just had a revelation though (this after firing up
thinking in C++ vol 2). perhaps I could derive off the default. ie.

 template < typename UnsignedType,
           typename default_policy = no_policy < UnsignedType > ,
           unsigned base = 0, unsigned offset = 0 >
struct hw_default {
  // default implementation....

 template < typename UnsignedType,
           typename use_this_policy,
           unsigned base = 0, unsigned offset = 0 >
 struct i_dont_want_default :
   public hw_default < UnsignedType, altera_reg, base, offset > {
  // stuff..

If the purpose is to be able to use a single name and easily change the code in
one place to have that name refer to different types, then how about a typedef.

Cheers & hth.,

- Alf

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