Re: Nice idiom for lambdas

SG <>
Sun, 21 Mar 2010 07:14:41 CST
On 21 Mrz., 09:08, tohava <> wrote:

I am not sure if anyone thought of this or not.

Let us say we have this piece of code:

int y;
int x = 1;
for (int i = 2; i <= y; ++i) x *= i; // potentially, this can be
// some initialization code for x that spans 10 lines
// from here, x should be constant, but we can't do it

You mean, you want x to be a /constant expression/ ?

One way to do this would be putting the factorial loop as a
separate function. However, I can think of another way:

int y;
const int x = ([](){ int ret = 1;
     for (int i = 2; i <= y; ++i) ret *= i;
     return ret; })();

In case I fumbled the syntax, what I meant to do was both to write
a lambda expression and call it in-place.

The lambda's return type is missing. You also need to put something
into the capture clause about how to capture y.

    int y = 12;
    const int x = ([&]()->int{
       int ret = 1;
       for (int i=2; i<=y; ++i) ret*=i;
       return i;

But that doesn't make x a constant expression. If you replace "const"
with "constexpr" the code won't compile because "constexpr" requires
the initializer to be a constant expression and this initializer here
is not.

Also, do you think it is useful and/or have better ideas
to solve the problem of creating a const variable with
initialization that cannot be easily expressed in a form without

Yes, this should work:

    constexpr int fak(int x) {
       return (x<=1) ? 1 : x*fak(x-1);

    void foo() {
       constexpr int x = fak(3);
       double array[x];

as well as the "old school metaprogramming":

    template<int X> struct fak {
       static const int value = X*fak<(X-1)>::value;
    template<> struct fak<0> {
       static const int value = 1;

    void foo() {
       constexpr int x = fak<3>::value;
       double array[x];


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      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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