Re: Automatic function result type adaption depending on arg?

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Wed, 14 Apr 2010 01:08:11 +0200
* werasm:

On Mar 7, 2:33 am, "Alf P. Steinbach" <> wrote:

I have e.g.

     template< typename T >
     inline typename T::iterator startOf( T& c )
         return c.begin();

     template< typename T >
     inline typename T::const_iterator startOf( T const& c )
         return c.begin();

     template< typename T, Size N >
     inline T* startOf( T (&a)[N] )
         return a;

Types from the standard library use 'iterator' and 'const_iterator', but imagine
some other large set of types TheirOwnWay with e.g. 'Iter' and 'ConstIter', and
that those types are in numeruous different namespaces.

How can the functions above be modified so that it's simple to make them work
also with TheirOwnWay types, e.g. by defining some type trait thing?

I tried the to me "obvious" customization hook, like

     template< typename T >
     inline typename IterTrait<T>::T startOf( T& c ) ...

keeping the last overload above as-is, but this failed spectacularly when
calling startOf(a) where a is a raw array.

I came up with the code below. CProxy would have to be specialized for
non standard containers (as for array). Unfortunately one needs the
extra call to c_proxy function template to resolve T, but IMO bettern
than specifying the template parameter:

#include <vector>

template <class T>
struct CProxy
  typedef typename T::iterator iterator;
  typedef T& ContRefT;

  explicit CProxy( ContRefT c ): c_( c ){}
  ContRefT c_;

template <class T, int N>
struct CProxy<T(&)[N]>
  typedef T* iterator;
  typedef T(&ContRefT)[N];

  struct ArrayWrapper
    ArrayWrapper( ContRefT c ): c_( c ){}
    iterator begin() const { return &c_[0]; }
    //...end etc...
    ContRefT c_;

  explicit CProxy( ContRefT c ): c_( c ){}
  ArrayWrapper c_;

template <class ContT>
CProxy<ContT> c_proxy( ContT c )
  return CProxy<ContT>( c );
template <class T, int N>
CProxy<T(&)[N]> c_proxy( T(&a)[N] )
  return CProxy<T(&)[N]>( a );

template< typename T >
inline typename CProxy<T>::iterator
startOf( CProxy<T> cproxy )
  return cproxy.c_.begin();

int main()
  char array[5];
  char* a =
    startOf( c_proxy(array) );

  const std::vector<char> vect;
  std::vector<char>::iterator b =
    startOf( c_proxy(vect) );


Thank you. I should perhaps have remembered to post my solution to this thread.
My original error, which was almost driving me nuts in its sheer ingrokkability,
was a trivial one, incredibly stupid, writing 'T (&)[N]' instead of 'T [N]'.

I'm sure if I'd posted that code many folks would have been better able to help
me; as it was they probably assumed that my code made sense!

Anyway, the solution I landed on consists of two header files, the first
containing ...

     template< typename Type >
     struct It
         typedef typename Type::iterator T;

     template< typename Type >
     struct It< Type const >
         typedef typename Type::const_iterator T;

     template< typename ElemType, Size N >
     struct It< ElemType[N] >
         typedef ElemType* T;

.... and the second one, using the first, containing ...

     template< typename T >
     inline Size size( T const& c ) { return static_cast<Size>(
c.size() ); }

     template< typename T, Size N >
     inline Size size( T (&)[N] ) { return N; }

     template< typename T >
     inline typename It<T>::T startOf( T& c ) { return c.begin(); }

     template< typename T, Size N >
     inline T* startOf( T (&a)[N] ) { return a; }

     template< typename T >
     inline typename It<T>::T endOf( T& c ) { return c.end(); }

     template< typename T, Size N >
     inline T* endOf( T (&a)[N] ) { return a + N; }

     #define CPPX_ALL_OF( v ) \
         ::my_namespace::startOf( v), ::my_namespace::endOf( v )

Cheers, & thanks,

- Alf (master of writing extraneous ampersands)

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