Re: has_interface trait
On 22 Mai, 00:09, pfultz2 wrote:
Now say I have two classes like this:
class A
void foo()
printf("foo is called\n");
class B
So i would like to create a trait to query whether [T has a
member function foo or not], something like this:
bool aHas = has_interface<A>::value; //True
bool bHas = has_interface<B>::value; //False
I though maybe i could use SFINAE to do this, but I cant figure out a
way to deduce this. Perhaps there is another way to do this. Basically
if it throws a compiler error on constructing the interface, i want it
to return a false value. Does any have any ideas?
I'm not sure whether it's possible in C++03. But In C++0x this should
typedef char one;
typedef char (&two)[2];
template<class T> T&& declval();
template<class T>
struct has_foo_member {
template<class U, class = decltype(declval<U>().foo()) >
static one test(U*);
static two test(...);
static const bool value = sizeof(test(declval<T*>()))==1;
unless some foo member function is private in which case you'll get a
compile-time error anyway.
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