Re: C++0x -- fun(Args&...) and fun(Args const&...)

SG <>
Mon, 20 Dec 2010 11:52:44 -0800 (PST)
On 20 Dez., 18:55, er wrote:

Hello, I'm hoping someone could explain the part next to the comment
"How so?!" below. Thanks.

#include <iostream>

template<typename...Args> void f(Args&...){}

This ought to be just a simple non-template:

   inline void f() {}

template<typename U, typename...Args>
void f(U& u, Args&... args){
    std::cout << "lvalue, ";

template<typename U, typename...Args>
void f(U const& u, Args&... args){
    std::cout << "clvalue, ";

void g(Args&...args)

void h(Args const&...args)

int main()
    int a = 1;
    int const b = 2;
    g(a, a); std::cout << std::endl;
    // lvalue, lvalue // OK

    g(a, b); std::cout << std::endl;
    // lvalue, lvalue // How so?!

Name lookup. You expect the first function template f to use the
second one. But this is not what's happening. If you declare the
second function template before the first one it'll work as expected:

   template<typename U, typename...Args>
   void f(U const& u, Args&... args);

   template<typename U, typename...Args>
   void f(U& u, Args&... args){
       std::cout << "lvalue, ";

   template<typename U, typename...Args>
   void f(U const& u, Args&... args){
       std::cout << "clvalue, ";

(tested using g++ 4.5.1)


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