Re: decltype within template specialization expression: legal?

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Daniel_Kr=FCgler?= <>
Wed, 27 Jul 2011 15:17:50 CST
Am 27.07.2011 01:53, schrieb Noah Roberts:

In trying to devise a way to check if a type has a function that can be
called with a set of argument types I came up with this:

template < bool B >
struct bool_
enum { value = B };
typedef bool_<B> type;

template < typename T
, typename E = int >
struct has_fun : bool_<false> {};

template < typename T > T&& declval(); // MSVC ommision

template < typename T >
struct has_fun< T, decltype(declval<T>().fun(declval<int>()))> // error
: bool_<true>

struct test
template < typename T >
int fun(T) { return 42; }

int main()
static_assert(has_fun<test>::value, "FAIL!");

Whether or not I use the specialization, I get the error:

error C2228: left of '.fun' must have class/struct/union
type is 'T'

This looks like a compiler defect to me. According to
[temp.class.spec.match] p2:

"A partial specialization matches a given actual template argument list
if the template arguments of the partial specialization can be deduced
from the actual template argument list (14.8.2)."

The reference to [temp.deduct] makes pretty clear, that via p8:

"If a substitution results in an invalid type or expression, type
deduction fails. An invalid type or expression is one that would be
ill-formed if written using the substituted arguments."

this deduction attempt should fail silently (if at all).

On the other hand, I can write the metafunction like so:

template < typename T >
struct has_callable_f
typedef char (&no) [1];
typedef char (&yes) [2];

template < typename S >
static yes check(decltype(declval<S>().fun(declval<int>())) *);

template < typename S >
static no check(...);

enum { value = sizeof(check<T>(nullptr)) == sizeof(yes) };


and this works fine.

The question I have, should the first have worked?

I believe it should have.

HTH & Greetings from Bremen,

- Daniel Kr?gler

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