Re: template template arguments and default parameters

Victor Bazarov <v.bazarov@comcast.invalid>
Thu, 06 Oct 2011 08:44:48 -0400
On 10/6/2011 8:19 AM, avasilev wrote:

I have implemented a function that takes a string as input, parses it,
and outputs a map<string, string> of name=value pairs. Something like:

bool parse(const string& input, map<string, string>& output)
However, to make it more flexible, I want to be able to change the
kind of map that is being used, so that it can be a hash_map, multimap
or whatever. For this purpose I need to make the function a template
function. I want as parameter for the template the "map" class name,
and I will use a specialized<string,string>version of it.
I amo ding the following:
template<template<key, value> class T>

First, I believe this ought to be

    template<template<class,class> class T>

second, it limits the number of arguments to 2, which isn't true for
most Standard containers since they usually have a comparator and an
allocator types added (although those usually have defaults).

bool parse(const string& input, T<string,string> output)

then I try to call the function like this:
std::map<string, string>;
string input = "name=val;name1=val1"
parse<std::map>(input , m);

But this fails to compile, with the error (using gcc):
  error: no matching function for call to
'parse(std::map<std::basic_string<char>, std::basic_string<char> >&,

I have tried to compile an example where I define the 'map' class, and
it takes strictly two parameters. This compiles fine. It also compiles
if I provide the default template parameters of the std::map class:

template< template< class k, class v, class Compare, class
Allocator> class T>

void parse(const string& input, T< string , string, less<string>,
allocator<pair<const string,string> > > output)

My question is - is there a way to make what I want without providing
all default template parameters, the least reason being that a
different 'map' class may have different default template parameters.

AFAIK, no. Matching of types/templates does not involve default
arguments. Maybe it should, but it doesn't. You could try defining
your own 'map' template specialization that would only have two
arguments to begin with, but that would require redeclaring most of the
"original" map functionality, which is what you probably want to avoid...

IIRC the new Standard will have "template typedefs" and with those you
could define your own "map" "template" that doesn't have the extra
arguments (IOW, has only two arguments) and use that in your function

* * *

Another approach altogether is to define a policy argument for your
function template. Something like

    template<class ContainerPolicy, class String>
       bool parse(String const& input,
                  typename ContainerPolicy::map& output);

Then you implement your ContainerPolicy like so

    template<class String> struct ContainerPolicyMap {
       typedef std::map<String,String> map;

    template<class String> struct ContainerPolicyMultimap {
       typedef std::multimap<String,String> map;

and use those by supplying the explicit template argument:

       std::string somestringtoparse;
       std::map<string,string> mymap;
       parse<ContainerPolicyMap>(somestringtoparse, mymap);

(or something like that, anyway). It doesn't afford you the automatic
determination of the container type, you still have to provide the
argument, unfortunately. You can work around it by adding more "trait"
type functions. For instance, the second argument of your 'parse'
function could actually be the policy, which would have the conversion
from the container, and inside the 'parse' function you'd extract the
container out of the policy object to be filled. You know, like a
binder whose sole purpose is to provide the type...

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